Saturday May 4th, 2024 at the

Azan Shriners Center
1591 W. Eau Gallie Blvd. Melbourne, FL. 32935

That's right! ModelFEST 2024 will be in Melbourne on May 4th 2024 !

Save the Dates!

Our show will feature..

  • Model contest with Gold, Silver and Bronze awards in all categories!
  • Space for 45 vendors for your shopping needs
  • A fun day of modeling!


ModelFest is IPMS Space Coast's premier event and we want to keep you up to date on all the goings on!  


International Plastic Modeler Society Region 11


Space Coast

  ModelFEST 2024

FAQ about ModelFEST 2024...

Q. When is ModelFEST 2024?

A. Saturday May 4, 2024

Q. Where is it being held at?

A. ModelFEST 2024 is being held at the Azan Shiners Center 1591 W. Eau Gallie Blvd. Melbourne FL. 32935

Q. What is the Schedule of Events

​A.    Sat May 4th                   6:30 am - 9am Early Vendor Set Up

                                               9am - 5pm Open to the Public​

                                               9am - Noon Model Registration

                                               10:00 am - 3:00pm Judging (Throughout the Day)

                                               4pm - 5pm Awards Ceremony


Q: What are the show entry fees?

A. The show fees are as follows..

​          Adult Contest Registration (Up to 5 entries) -$10.00

          Each Additional Entry - $1.00

          Junior Entry - Free!

          General Admission - Adult $5.00 - Kids Free 12 and Under

Q. Will there be a contest? What are the Categories?

A. Yes there will be a contest! Gold, Silver and Bronze Awards in Aircraft, Armor, Nautical, Figures, Automotive, Space/Science Fiction and Miscellenous Categories

Q.. Are there going to be Vendors? 

A.  Yes! there will be 45 vendor tables selling all kinds modeling items!

Q. How can I be a vendor at ModelFEST 2024?

A.. Information about becoming a vendor is HERE 

Q. Where can I get a copy of the show flyer?

A. You can download a copy of the show flyer from our ModelFEST Flyers page HERE